Thursday, October 14, 2021

Five Ways in which Front-End Developers Differ From Back-End Developers


If you are new to the world of programming and are looking to learn to increase your skills, you have come to the right place. Not only can you get top vetted remote developers with us at Muoro, but you can also increase your knowledge if you are just a beginner. With the increasing demand for front-end developers, you may be confused about its popularity. As customer-facing applications become common, many companies hire remote front-end developers for software development projects. And, if you are an HR looking to hire a front-end or back-end developer, you need to know the difference between both. Let us see how a front-end developer differs from a back-end developer in these five ways:

1.  Definition: 

A front-end developer deals with the front-end elements in a website directly accessed by the end-users and customers alike. IT companies hire remote front-end developers to create a flawless experience for customers and further their brand. While a back-end developer deals with the other end of the website, they are just as indispensable as a front-end developer. Everything that is not visible to a customer that is server-side web application logic and integration falls under the role of a back-end developer. Typically, a back-end developer establishes the link between a database and its application.

2.  Features both developers deal with:

An efficient front-end developer should know front-end programming languages and have a knack for creating a responsive web design for the end customer. Muoro, an Engineer as a Service (EaaS), has top vetted remote developers that you can hire at any time. When it comes to a back-end developer, you should make sure that you hire professionals who know how to work with frameworks like Ruby on Rails or Java. They should be able to manage the back-end database and security compliance. Whether it is a front-end developer or a back-end developer you need, Muoro has a large talent pool of engineers from which you can hire.

3.  Languages learned by both: 

As front-end developers deal with the grid systems and the layout of a website, they must know development languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. As per Statistica, JavaScript, CSS, and Python are the three most used programming languages among developers in 2021. So, see to it that it is a criterion when you hire remote front-end developers. You should ensure that the developer can deliver error-free results so that the website can run smoothly with a minimal number of bugs. In comparison, back-end developers deal with coding languages like Java, PHP, and Python.

4.  Back-end as a service: 

One difference that separates a front-end and back-end developer is how it can be delivered. A front-end development entails many things, and one individual cannot handle all its functions. So, when you hire remote front-end developers, you have to hire a whole team and not just an individual. But when it comes to back-end development, it can be offered as a service independently. Although, in both cases, you can hire top vetted remote developers from Muoro as per your requirements.

5.  Soft skills:  

Front-end developers need to be well-versed with soft skills like empathy as they are the face of the website. To be efficient as a front-end developer, one has to put themselves into the shoes of the website user. When you hire remote front-end developers, you should take note of their soft skills like communication, too. What use is a front-end developer if he cannot coordinate with the client due to a lack of communication skills? However, developers working on the back end do not need empathy as it is not that important in their line of work. They only need to communicate with their database.

While both developers are different in how they function, a website can only be successful if both work in tandem.

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